Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tecnology Progression

I read an article from the New York Times called "Google Enters the Wireless World" by Miguel Heft and John Markoff. It was about Google planning on helping to make more cell phones that can go online whenever. They want to be able to be used on the cell phone. This all started with the IPhone. The former policy chief of the Federal Communication Commission, Robert Pepper, said “We’re human beings and we communicate, and that’s what the Internet social network phenomenon is all about.” This presents that we wish to communicate faster, easier and whenever.

I read this because the technology today is always changing. A blog from the Fischbowl called Did You Know talked about this along with other interesting facts. Technology is changing their is no denying that but is the new technology reliable. Technology has its limitations there is only so much we can do to improve it. Computers today can be hacked into no matter what type of security. If someone wants to do something and they put their mind to it then they will most likely be able to do it. Life will always find a way to do what it wants. Technology is not alive so it lacks certain knowledge that we take advantage of today. It does not have feelings or feel pain. All together it lacks the ability to think. We use our thoughts in which ever way we want. We use it to do homework. We use it to talk with others. We use it to fulfil a dream. We use it 24/7. We take advantage of that and computers will never be able to do that no matter how much it progresses.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Are we safe in the world today?

I read an article in the Denver Post called "Teen slain on Halloween out buying Groceries" by Kirk Mitchell and Kieran Nicholson. It was about a boy who was going to buy groceries for his family when he was killed. The police said it was around 9:45 p.m. His father said " HE had a good heart." He was shot by a someone in a dark colored truck eye-witnesses say.

I related to this article because it shows how unsafe we are in the streets at night or even in the day. We can be hurt easily because not many people watch out for one another. Most people keep to themselves when they don't know people very well. When someone is getting hurt people fear for their own lives even if they could help the one being hurt. We all have to learn to help people even if it means getting hurt ourselves. Many people are out on Halloween night so it is probably the most difficult day to let children go out by themselves because of the many people looking to hurt them. Are we ever safe on the streets? Are we as safe in the world today as we were along time ago?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Enviroment

I read an article from the New York Times called " U.N. Warns of Rapid Decay of Environment" by James Kanter. It is about how the environment is changing due to the increasing rate of the human population growth. The world resources are depleting and how the human population is increasing. The fish in the ocean are being captured at two times the rate of their production. The executive director of the U.N. Environmental Program, Achim Steiner, said “The human population is now so large that the amount of resources needed to sustain it exceeds what is available at current consumption patterns.” They are trying to find a way to prevent things and fix things like the hole in the ozone layer.

I believe we need to change the way we use our environment. We take advantage of the environment to much to befit our needs. We are so greedy we are making other species that share the same earth extinct just because we need to use them for food or use their habitat to build our own. The ozone layer is ripping open and when this happens the protection from the sun will be gone. This will put all species on the Earth in to a very dangerous environment that we can not change back. I don't know if this is do to global warming but I know that these are caused by us and us alone. We are so selfish that we are destroying the environment to a place of no return to normalcy. We are going to run out of our resources that gasoline and coal eventually. What are we going to do when we run out of these resources and have no other alternative to keep ourselves running? What are we going to do when the ozone is completely destroyed and the Earth and all the species it holds are doomed to end?

Obesity and Health

I read a blog by Karl Fisch called " Did You Know PE" in the Fischbowl. It is about an assignment that Mr. Fisch gave to his class. One student made a presentation on physical education in schools. She said how these classes were helping the U.S. from becoming to obese. Obesity today has tripled. Obesity causes health problems with heart attacks.

Many people today are becoming more obese. I believe we need to be more healthy by not being obese. Obesity causes heart problems like cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. By taking away physical education in schools we are hurting people by taking the health classes that give many people there little exercise of the week that may keep them from coming harm. PE an help prevent type 2 diabetes. Why do we all take advantage of our technology advances and not keep ourselves healthy by doing the hard work the rest of the world goes through?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

What leads to School Shootings?

I read an article called "Boy,14, Seized in Plot to Open Fire at School" in the New York Times by Jon Hurdle. It was about a fourteen year old boy plotting to start a "Columbine style" shooting at Plymouth Whitemarsh High School. He was going to start it supposedly because he was bullied around at the school. In his room the police found a rifle, imitation guns, homemade grenades that were operational, and a DVD on the Columbine Shooting. The boy was arrested by a tip from a boy who the other was trying to make join him in the shooting.

What leads to a school shooting? I think it is partially because of the way the person is treated during their time in school. Also I believe that a lot of it has to do with the stress of the average day on top of pier pressure. Why do these people kill the innocent bystanders at the schools? I do not have any clue to why they would take out their anger on them. I can't understand why this happens but these shootings usually lead to the shooters suicide. This makes me wonder do these people kill others to get back at the world before they kill themselves and try to ease their pain.

Personal Technology Entering the School

I read "Two Steps Forward..." by Karl Fisch on the Fischbowl. It is about the high school allowing students to use their laptops or other personal technology. It tells that last year the school tried but their filter did not extend to the students technology. The school recently added the 8e6 filter. This filter extends to anyone in the school. The filter also took out YouTube and Google Video. Many teachers are outraged with this because they used these sites to teach their students with certain videos that they chose. Now they can only be used by the teachers. The upcoming Pangea Day video was part of the reason for the teacheeres anger for the block of YouTube.

I related to this blog because I own a laptop. It will be great to use it at school so I can do any projects that I have saved on my computer already. It will also allow me to work on homework whenever, even if the lab is full of other students in the library. Will allowing students to bring their own personal learning technology to school help the school in an all or hurt the school in an all? I believe it will help because it will allow students to work where ever and when ever they want. They don't have to wait for people to leave the schools computers. Is it worth taking away YouTube and Google Video to give students the ability to bring hteir own personal technology? I believe it is a good trade even though the Pangea Day sounds like a cool video; bringing my laptop to work on projects at school during an off hour is better.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Fear of Public Speaking

I read the blog " Speaking From The Soul" by Karl Fisch on The Fischbowl. It is about how Mrs. Gerlich's fear of writing her blogs. She fears speaking about her feeling towards an article. Mr. Fisch said that she was an example ofsharing one's self to many others and building relationships with her students. Mr. Fisch said "It’s nothing less than inspiring."

I read this article because I can relate to Mrs. Gerlich. I have feared public speaking for a long time. I have always shaked and stumbled on my sentences and sayings. I am much better at writing what I feel than saying it unlike Mrs. Gerlich. I hope to break this fear in high school. I t is always when I am in front of a class that I get scared of talking. I can always talk with my friends like it is no big deal. Why do we have such a fear of speaking up in front of others? I believe we fear speaking in front of many because we fear making mistakes in front of them. Also having every one stare at me is a lit uncomfortable. I believe that speaking in front of a group should be like talking to friends: let back and easy but it is hard to do that if someone doesn't know the other that well. Public speaking the fear that goes around the world.

Iphones Disabled

I read an article in BBC News called " Iphone Warning Proves True." It is about some Iphone users have unlocked their Iphone for any network. Apple is sending an update that will disable their phone. Apple said that many of these hacked phones soft wear were irreparable. This update has already taken effect and many have lost their phone. the update is also ruining software on the phones that were not unlock

I read this because it is intersting because I love technology and treating it how it is suppose to be used. i don't try hacking into it or changing it in any way than what the object can do. Does Apple have the right to disable many peoples phones because a few hacked in and unlocked damagimg information? Can anyone take away something just because it is not being used properly? I don't think they can be able to do this. They should try and find another way to confront the people that use the Iphone wrong than disabling their five hundred dollar phones. I believe no one can just take away something if it is being used incorrectly.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Should we bring the nuclear age back into the U.S.?

I read " Approval Is Sought to Build Two Reactors in Texas" by Matthew L. Wald. I read htis in the New York Times/U.S./Washington. It is about an energy company called NGR Energy. They asked the Nuclear RegulatoryCommision to build two new reactors in Texas. The last time a new reactor since the 1970s because of the disaster on Three Mile Island. There are already 104 reactors that are working in the U. S. It says that the reason for bringing back nuclear power is because of the high demand for power and high price for natural gas. There is said to be three more companies to join in on building these plants. David Crane the chief executive said "Federal help would be important in persading investors to lend money." To prevent hazard NRG plans on building a the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor. There are reactors similar to these in Japan and are inactive for the time being because of an earthquake.

I wrote on tis article because I believe bringing back the nuclear age is a bad idea. The last time the U.S. focused on nuclear power the rest of the country was in fear of a nuclear disator or strike from the Soviet Union. How will we know what will happen when they bring back nuclear energy? Will we ignore the reactor or over react about it and try and get the plant removed. If the reactor works and saves energy cost I think it should stay but be under watchful eyes. If the reactor fails it will ruin many peoples lives and power. Everywhere in the world has some form of nuclear energy. The U.S. was the first creator of nuclear power and then The Soviet Union. If nuclear energy has been modified and controled safely then we should use what we already know well enough through experiance. Will nucler energy help or hurt the world?

Monday, September 24, 2007

What websites do we know we can trust?

" Shh! I'm Googling My Facts."I read an article on Google facts by David Warlick on two cents worth. It was about the websites displayed on Google aren't always the most trust worthy. The story in the article is a bout a kid who is looking for facts about 9/11 on Google. He came about a conspiracy theory website believing that the World Trade Centers were bombed not hit by two planes. This shows that the Internet is not the best place for the best facts and that it needs to be evaluated by the students. It is the number one complaint in the school. David Warlick said, " We have to practice what we preach, and we have to preach it out loud!" We should continue to use textbooks and reference books and databases but also we need to use evaluated and processed learning websites.

I believe this is important to the world because we all use the Internet on a daily basis at least I do. We use the Internet to look at sports and new technology. We use it for our leisure and for school work. How do we know what is wrong and what is right in the Internet when it is growing every hour? How would someone evaluate and process every website? Google has helpful information and websites but it doesn't have enough time to evaluate the information it collects or to tell the makers of the website that they are wrong especially when everyone has an opinion. They can't just deny the maker into the search engine just because they do not believe what the creator believes. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can't be subjected to exclusion just because someone else doesn't believe the same thing. Can someone like the Google owners filter out something just because they don't believe that it is the truth? Would you bash someone elses beliefs and try and force yours upon them?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This article is on the personal learning networks. It was a blog created by Karl Fisch on the Fischbowl. He talks about how the networks would help teach people about the world and about what the person wanted to know. He said students would use this to create personal blogs. They would then present there blos in class. The class would then comment on that persons blog. He said there are two goals. One is to increase a students critical thinking skils, writing, reading, and presenting skills. Two is to help us students to build our own personal learning networks. He also said that students shouldn’t just be creating their networks but to become a part of other student’s networks.
Some connections I made were text to self. I saw in his blog he said he was having trouble explaing his ideas throhoughly which happens a lot to me. I found that he connected these networks to the world which would help everyone learn there own way. In a connection he talks about google and Pageflakes and Netvibes all offer feeds to make a personal learning network.

Monday, September 17, 2007

88 killed in a plane crash in Thailand

The author was Thomas Fuller. This article was about a plane that was coming into land at Phuket on Sunday. Thplane was landing as it rained and the wind was powerful. THe plane slid off the runway and crashed into a dirt mound. Many foreigners were on this plane and most were killed along with a few members of the crew. A few of the survivors said they didn't even here an explosion but when they were out of the plane they saw that it was on fire. From a video feed you could see that medical, fire, and police crews came to help the injured and to put out the fire on the plane. The plane was owned by a low-fair airline called One-Two-Go. There were 123 passengers on board. Chowalet Jitjamnong was one of the survivors who reported to TITV or Thai TV and told them about the crash.
In this article there are many connections to make. I made one text to self connection. I saw that the plane crash affected me because it showed me that nowhere is safe and we all eed to take a risk but the risks we take can help us or kill us. I made a text to text connection. This reminded e of United 93 even though the crash wasn’t cause by the same thing. I made a text to world connection. The world has the best and worst things happen to everyone the United States, Europe, and even Thailand. In these connections I saw the world makes a risk every day to try and improve the world. Sometimes these risk and helpeveryone in a country or even the world. Sometimes the risk back fires and it hurts people.